

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

RUSSIA N CHINA FYI!!!!! Not Soo Fast >:€

Y-ALL May Have Access 2 God's Resources & Have Declared Them As Your Own HOWEVER Neither Of U2 Have Z(8) Messiah & NNN(555) Z(8) End He WHOOT ISA(911) 1st ISA(911) LAST NNN(555) VICE Versa >:+)

FRANCE: Major Miss Calculation! Not Z 1st Time! Cud Bee Retribution 4U >:+) Bunnnii Luv!

What Happens When U Do Not Take ALLL Specifics N2 Consideration... Explains Precisely Y
"I AM" STILL Hear :) BC "They" Mis-Calculated My Exxxact Dimensions & Cud NOT Take Me OUT! Ha!
France's state-run railway service ordered 341 new trains before engineers discovered the fleet was too wide for many stations. Nearly 1,300 out of the country's 8,700 railway platforms are a few inches too narrow for the new trains


GOD ISA(911)  Z ONLY REASON I Have My Story 2 Tell!!!! He Walked Me OUT Of Z GATES OF Hell With Lucifer Himself As My Escort Back 2 What ISA(911) Left Of My Life >:(::: "They" Killed Me & When "They" Realized "They" Cud Not Take My Last Breath Of Life "They" Threw Me OUT Like TRASH NNN(555) The Streets 2 Let Me DIE >:(::: I Have Been Beggggging 4 HELP 4 The Past 7YRS!!!! There RRR ONLY A Hand Full Of Love Filled  "CHOSEN" People N My Life Who RRR PRICELESS, UNCONDITIONAL, BRAVE, COMPASSIONATE. KIND & Whose Support Remains Faithful N True >:)::: TYTYTY 2 ALLLL Whom Have Given Me The Shirts Off Their backs BC I Know That ISA(911) ALLL Ewe Had 2 Give >:)  TY 4 Z HuGGGzzzz. N 4 AlwayZZZ Understanding  Z MULTItude oF TearZZZ" >:(::: UR FRIENDSHIPS HAVE SAVED MY LIFE N GIVEN Us OUR Testimony >:)  There are THOSE Who Have Been Positioned 2 HELP  Have Instead Contributed 2 My Peril n Heartbreak N Relentless BATTLE 4 MY PRECIOUS LIFE

Sally says her father-in-law realized toward the end he was not getting the care he needed.
"At the end is when he suffered. He screamed. He cried. And that's somethin' I'd never seen him do before, was cry. Never. Never. He cried in the kitchen right here. 'Don't let me die.' "
Teddy added his father said: "Why is this happening to me? Why won't anybody help me?"
Teddy added: "They didn't do the right thing." Sally said: "No. They neglected Pop."

My Pa! James Earle Womble MSE8 27 yrs + 7yrs N Army My True Hero!!!

God Does Not Make Men Like Ewe Pa :( Ewe RRRR Z DAD Eye Never Had & Z Grandad I Cud Only Bee Sow Blessed 2 Have Loved N Bee Loved By :) IMU N Think Of Ewe Dearly Daily :)::::
Thank You 4 Your Service 4 Our Country N 4 Letting Granny Stay Hear W/Me 4 Since Ur Crossing Over 8-27-2003

"In Flanders Fields" By John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
      Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
   The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie
         In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

5-26-14 Happppiiii Memorial Day 2 USALLLL xoxoxo@

The first widely-publicized observance of a Memorial Day-type observance after the Civil War was in Charleston, South Carolina, on May 1, 1865

May 23 2014 80yrs Have Passed

We look AMAZN 4 A Couple Of Time Travelers >:)  We Keep Finding Each Other Again N Again

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5-18-14 Heaven ISA(911) 4 Real >:+)

Thank You CoCo(Clyde O'Connor) For Reaching Out & For Allowing Us 2B Hear 4 Ewe & For Taking Us 2c This Movie On This Day >:)::: We RRR(999) Grateful For Your Big Shoulderz 2 Lean On During This Difficult Time >:(::  This Movie ISA)911) Special n Precious True Story Like Ourz >:) I Love Ewe And I KNOW Heaven ISA(911) For Real I Wish Ewe Wood Wake Up & Remember Us xo@
IT ISA(911) ALLL NNN(555) Z Eyes >:):::

Painting By Akiane Kramarik

May 17, 2014 My Heart ISA(911) With You CoCo >:(:::

Friday, May 16, 2014

Russia ISA(911) OUT! NOOO Tracking/Spying/Bullying From Z(8) Skies Above

One Satellite Down

A Russian rocket carrying the country's most advanced communications satellite exploded shortly after launch early Friday, Russian state media reports.Officials lost contact about nine minutes after the unmanned rocket took off from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. About 100 miles high, it veered off path and disintegrated in Earth's atmosphere. The Express-AM4P European-built satellite, which was destroyed, was reportedly worth $29 million. As if Our Earth's atmosphere needs anymore chemicals, shock or metal explosions?!?! HELLLLOOOOO!!! Wow!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


"Heal The World " By Michael Jackson Arc Angel!


"Where Is The LOVE" By The Black-Eyed Peas :)

STOP Z Madness It is "Madness"

Agenda's >:€ Wat NNN(555) Z World ISA(911) WRONG WITH ALLL OF EWE????

This ISA(911) KNOTTT Your EARTH, Your Planet, Your Energy Your Creation, Your LOVE, Your Anything!!!!!! Who RRR(999) NE NE ANY of Ewe 2 Use WEAPONS/Fire/Ego's 2 Destroy "OUR" Planet, "OUR" Earth, "OUR" Heart, "OUR" Mind,  "OUR" Life, "OUR" Home "OUR" World, "OUR" Children!!! Allll Z Burning Of Tires, Gunfire, Explosives, Geo, Bio,Chemical,Electrical,Atmospheric Stresser's  >:€  Ewe Allll Think Ewe RRR(999) Soooo SMART Yet This ISA(911) Z BEST Ewe Can Dew 4 Z BREATH That Gives Ewe Life >:€   ISA(911) Anti, ISA(911) Chemical Warfare Against Z Earth N ALLL Of Her Inhabitants
 >:(::: It is Considered Evil & Will Bee Answered 4 >:€  ISA(911) Karmic & ISA(911) 3rd Dimensional Reality Stuck N 4D Realm >:(
Ewe RRRRR ALLL 9D Plus+++++  Wake Up!! Hurrry!!! Bunniiii Luv 2 USALLL >:)

ICU >:€ NOOO Sonar Technology/Trauma Nor Biological Terrorism Will Thrwart "OUR" Purpose :)

We Know When "They" RRR Using Such Techniques 2 "Skitz" Us
>:(:::  May 10-12 2014

SumThing 4 GOD 2 DEAL With

When Life Comes After Ewe With Cruelty Beyond Measure "Quick Zoom 9111" Give It Over 2 GOD!!! Just Put It N A Boxxx Of Love N Allow Z Lord 2 Take Care Of It.. Take Your Hands Off ASAP! ISA(911) Set Up 2 TRRrrippp Ewe Up >:(  Even When ISA(911) Blatant N Intentional Give It 2 GOD Immediately >:(  I Wish It Were Different But This ISA(911) RRReality >:(:::

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"Bee BRAVE" BIGGG GiRRRL PantieZZZ RRR(999) ONNN(6555)!!!! GRRRrrrrr >:€

"Brave" By Sara Barilles

Happpi Belated Mother's Day 2 USALLL >:+)

Even Tho The Blessings N Joys Of Being a Mother RRRR Being Hijacked Away From Me By A Gang Of Criminal's It DOES NOT Make Me Less Of A "Mom" It Makes Me Z Bravest Mom Of ALLLLL!!!

Gettem' Solange! House Of Cards iZ Bustn' Loose

Whoot Whoot :) Guess Jay Z' "5 Secrets Of Z Elite" Doesn't Include How 2 STOP Relatives From Getting SassiiiiFrass :)  EWE Go Girl!!!

Happpi Birth Day "Lovie Dovie"! Ewe RRR "AAA'z" Dream Come True >:+)

Eye Held Her, Smelled Her, Kissed Her Cheekiezz & Whispered Sweet Sumthing's N Her Precious Earz :)::: She ISA(911)Bella Lil Luna!! She Even Has My Hair Color! wow :):::  Eye Kno EWE Will NEVER 4get Z Way She Looks N My Armz :):::  Dear Heavenly Gracious Father, She ISA(911) EVEN More Precious N My Sight! TY 4 Keeping Her Safe Even Tho She ISA(911) N An UNSAFE Environment >:) She ISA(911) Soo BIGG Tearzz Can NOT Capture How Much LOVE Eye Feel 4 her N Z Name Of Christ Our Begotten Saviour I Come N2 Your Presence W Adoration n Gratitude Amen


NNN(555) This Circus "Eye Am" Z "Ring-Master"

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Z Eagle Has Landed Safe N Sound! Buni Luv >:+)

Gotcha! Hear N Black N White :€

October 12, 2013
Obama Ousts Top Officers After Nuke Explodes In Ocean Instead Of Charleston, 
South Carolina
Earthquake 560 Miles Off  Of Coast Of Charleston SC ... Reeeeeellllyyy ?!?!?!

According to this report, Strategic Missile Forces Command (SMF) notified both President Putin and the General Staff this past Tuesday (8 October) that at 01:58:11 GMT/UTC an atomic device was exploded in the seabed off the US Atlantic Ocean, barely 1,000 km (620 miles) from Charleston, causing a 4.5 magnitude earthquake measurement that SMF experts equate to being a 1-kiloton yield, which is equal to the power of 1,000 tons of TNT.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

CHINA- ICU! NNN(555) Sense Ewe(555) RRR(999) Hear On "OUR" Blog... DAD

Good Job ICU GOT Z MEMO On Dealing Immediately With The Illegal Slaughtering Of Elephants & "OUR" Heavenly Creature's HOWEVER Yall Burned Down ONE Of "OUR" Christian Churches THIS ISA(911)  A NO-NO!!!!! xoxo@ aka "Jade Rabbit"
"“Tens of thousands of African elephants are being killed by poachers because of the high demand of ivory. China’s gesture is a solemn commitment by the government to cleanse the Chinese ivory market and to guarantee the survival of Africa’s elephants.”


NON-NEGOTIABLE!!! EYEzzzzzzz RRR(999) On EWE(555) NO GOD Of Creation Wood TORTURE/TERRORIZE/TORMENT Z(8) Lives Of Billions Of His Children !!! 4 US+++ALLLL RRR(999) SUFFERING!! We Da+Manda Z(8) Release 9111-9111-9111
According 2/To/Too Z(8) Heaven's, Z(8) Constellation "ISIS" ISA(911) Z(8)  "Dog Star" Caninus Major! 🐕 Eye 👁 Know She Wood NOT Appreciate Being Attributed 2 Such AAA(111) Sadistic Corrupt Band Of  Barbaric NNN(555) Cruel Thugs 👎🏼👹👿🤡💩


222222 L888 4U... Ur Move Has Been Made CHECK MATE!

"Silly Rabbit"

"TRiXXX" RRRR 4 "Kidz" Bunnni Luv  >:+)
xo24811169591128 "SMAAAK" gigggggllllzzz!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014


RRR Ewe Hear 2 Prophecize, Be "Prophetic" OR RRR Ewe Like "US" and RRR Hear N FULFILLMENT Of?! Js Curious

RRR Ewe A "Ewe" >:+)

John 10:27-30

New International Version (NIV)
27 My SHEEP listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[a]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

"OUR" REDeemer iZ HEARRRRR!!!! xoxoxoxo@

Much Going On In Space!! Ball Of Energy Approaching Earth From the South! "I AM" JS Seaing This 4Z 1st Time 5-1-14 :) This iZ EXXXXXACTTTLY "Y" "I Am" Anchored N Z Earth !! HA!!! GOTCHA!

Ps... "BEW"  WhOooo

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Love N Gratitude 4 A BEE-U-TiFULLL Friendship :)::::

Dear Heavenly Family Above N Below N ALLLL 4 Corners' : Y-ALLL Have Received  ONE Of My Granny's BFF's Miss Bobbie 2Day At 2:30p :(:::: She Fought Bravely & Graciously N Her LIFE Wz Spent Being Wonderful 2 People BC She Wz Wonderfullll :) I'll Miss Her Kindness & Laughter & Her Bond N Friendship N Love 2 My Granny "Doris" I'tz Hard 2 find Good Friends Now Dayz & Miss Bobbie Wz A Part Of My Granny's EVERYDAY :) Miss Bobbie TY 4 Z visit 2Day @ 11:55am ICU2Pooh :)::::

My Precious Joy N Pooh's Corner >:+) Buni Luv  xo@