

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I Am A Survivor/Product/Direct Result Of A Family History Of Child Abuse >:€

Psychological Terrorism//Physical Violence/Trauma/Stress/Bullying/Chaos/Fear Of Safety/Alcoholism/Drug Dealing/Drug Abuse/Abandonment/Mental Cruelty/Shame/Emotional Distress/Affection Starved/Financial Instability/Torture/Insanity/Anger/Explosive Personalities/Tormented Souls/Warfare Against A Child!! Can Ewe Imagine??? ALLLL At The Hands Of Z ONES Who's Blood RumZzz Thru Me. Z One's Chosen 2 Bring Me 2 Z Earth & Give Me Life >:€
Noooo LOVE XXXCEPT Wat Wz Found Outside Of our House & Those Took Advantage/Used/Manipulated/Disrespected/Humiliated/Lied/Conned/Tricked/Deceived/Cheated/Set Me Up >:(:::  "@" Chosen FEW Supported/Comforted/Cherished/Provided/Protected/Hoped/Helped/Prayed/Believed/Honored/Respected/Loved/Understood Me Which ISA Z ONLY Reason I Am HeaRRR TY My Beloved King 4 Your Saving Grace >:+)  Z Blessing/Burden/Cross
Love Always
Your Dove