

Friday, January 9, 2015

2 ALLLLL "3" NNN(555) "4" Ewe RRR(999) OUT Of House Z >:€

U GRRRRRWWWWLLLL RRR Trapped/Stuck/Baited/Tricked/Delusional/Sadly Misss~Informed .... giggglllzzzz! Ur Dimensions KNOWWW Longer XXXIST! Ha! You screwed Your~Selves & have knowww ONE 2 blame or pass Z "Buck/Bucks/Books" too. Free Will ISA Proverbial Question 2 Bee Addressed/Answered/Applied by possessor of One's Soul. If ewe rrrr resonating at a dimension of 5 or higher ewe rrr nnn(555) Z clear.  If your frequency/vibration/wave resonates lower ewe will bee "left" "Matter VS. Anti-Matter Ewe will cease 2 xxxsist! SIMPLE SCIENCE Folks Quantum Physics/Cosmology/Kinesiology or sumthing along those lines right?! 2 Those Of Ewe Whoot "Think" You have Mastered RRR ONLY AT A "7" Resonating & yet your World ISA(911) NNN(555) shambles tell me how RRR Ewe deemed Z "Norm/Xxxample/Poster Children 4 "Society" even at Z Highest he can only bring an "8" 2 Z Table But Z True Master ISA HOUSE Z! I Am  Resonating at a MINIMUM "9" Dimension NNN(555) other words Dealer/Divine Wisdom/Dominion. You cannot have/keep/maintain wat does knottt belong too you. Imitation ISA KNOTTT considered flattery & Corruption nnn(555) Z Blue-Print Of Life does knottt make it so UNLESS EWE CHOOSE YOUR "Free Will" 2 Separate your-self from Source Z >:)
Good Luck With That!!
God dictated to me that He was over & done with proving He ISA hear. He said to me "Tell "Them" 2 prove I Am not hear"! I completely get where He ISA coming from. This ISA coming from someone whom ISA exasperated & quite frankly humored at Z absurdity & at this point ISA disengaged. ISA like dealimg with a bunch of Clowns/Monkey's/Whore Mongers with a vibration at 0. If Your ONLY WEAPON ISA(911) FIRE,  ZEN EYE FEEL SORROW 4 Ewe 4 God Knowwws Where There ISA Smoke >:)