SOS! God,Jesus, Holy Bible,Conspiracies, Acoustic Invisibility Cloaking,NSA Spying, Tracking, Spooks,Gang Stalking, PTSD, Hyper Vigilance,,Depression, Autism Spectrum,Humpback Whale N Dolphin Standing's, Sonar Trauma, Lasers, Beams, Radio Waves, Micro Waves, ELF's, Cyber Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Our World, June 25 1967, The Remnant, LOVE, Owls, Snowflakes, JOY, NOW, Fabry Disease
Monday, April 20, 2015
From Z "Cat~Bird Seat" I Sit >:) DAD
"The catbird seat" is an idiomaticphrase used to describe an enviable position, often in terms of having the upper hand or greater advantage in all types of dealings among parties. According to the Oxford English Dictionary,[1] the first recorded usage occurred in a 1942 humorous short story by James Thurber titled "The Catbird Seat,"[2] which features a character, Mrs. Barrows, who likes to use the phrase. Another character, Joey Hart, explains that Mrs. Barrows must have picked up the expression from Red Barber, a baseball broadcaster, and that to Barber "sitting in the catbird seat" meant "'sitting pretty,' like a batter with three balls and no strikes on him."