

Thursday, September 3, 2015

ZIONISTS: TIP Of Your Melting Iceberg >:€ GRRRWWWWLLLL!

  • They dream that the world will give thanks to the "god" of Zion for having "saved" it from all evil and disorder, and all will welcome the Yahweh as "king of the world" and "pope of the universe".
Those who are aware of the agenda of the New World Order will be familiar with most of the above points. 

These agenda items are quite real, and have either manifested or are being put into place now, for all to see. They are, or reflect, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which are ridiculed and condemned as forgeries by Zionists and demons, worldwide, to try to cover up the exposure of evil. The last thing the evil archons or sons of Darkness wish is to have their plans and their accomplishments revealed for all to see. 

The children of Light would immediately recognize and remember their mortal spiritual enemies; and, the "sheep" would rebel against the rule of their keepers. Wolves, of course, often come in sheep's clothing; and, they use every cunning means of deception and subterfuge to denounce and forbid the publication of the details of their plan, claiming that they are the true victims. 

No, this is not an "anti-Semitic philosophy" but a revelation of the truth of the occult and evident agenda of evil in this world. 

As we have noted, the Zionists willingly sacrifice their Jewish brethren at large, and even promote anti-Semitism as a means of dispersing the Jews worldwide and keeping the good True Beings who happen to be Jewish subjugated as well.