

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy 93rd Birthday Pa >:) Love+Miss Ewe Daily! With JOY, Love, Your 1st Grand-Baby, Mandy

We just enjoyed another Thanksgiving together as one big happy family! Granny looked beautiful & is still every bit the Matriarch you met & married 72 yrs ago! You have 15 great great grand children now! Can you imagine, your babies babies are having babies! They are carrying on your name, your values+your traditions! You wud really be proud of us all  >:) Cant wait to see you + please strengthen Granny bc she has been really tired lately + Miss Bobbie+ now with Miss Marian passing on Nov 24, her spirit is slightly broken. Visiting with all of your children+great grand kids was a blessing & we got lots of great pix! Ps... Sissy is good company for Granny + Bren is still Bren lol. I see you everywhere (ladybugs + dragonflies) & have met the man(CSO) who shares your birthday but he is shameless & has no conscience. I did introduce him to granny +  brenda which went well but granny was very protective of me, which was caring+sweet. Please continue watching over us, as there is soo much happening beyond any rational explanation or understanding, all i can do is hold on + keep up.
Again Happy Birthday PaHead,  wish i cud see you+hug you + have a conversation with you to hear your voice + see your eyes light up. In my heart you're still My Hero & no one even comes close to your honor.
I Love You,