

Friday, May 26, 2017

ONE Pic Can Say Sewww Much >"< giggglllzzz! With JOY! DAD

Man Whoot-Whoot Started this "HOLE" wearA sheet 
on ur head thing???? My "Hole" life has led me to this 
moment! I am actually standing beside Z(8) MOST
stunning, statuesque, seemingly demure, dazzling,
gorgeous creation from Heaven descended,  
& I can't SEE her! Not even a glimpse! Only the 
Inhalation of my breathe can capture the slightest
Hint of Her.
Curses  to Alll Of Ewes >:€
Giggglllzzz...Just Kitten
Ruttt+Rowww looks like Scoobie Doo got N2
 Alll Of his scoobie snacks again
giggglllzzz >:-)
WOW! Does this person have eyeballs???
Eye Sea 2 BIGGG Black Circles.
I'm just sayN'. It seems unhealthy to not
Bee N direct sunlight for a multitude
Of health reasons. Not to mention
You are blocking your aura +
Energy. This ISA(911) Sad 2 Me >:’-(