

Friday, July 21, 2017


The U.N. is once again shamelessly attacking Israel's sovereignty.
We will not allow this to stand.
Sign the Petition Now
Recently, UNESCO - an anti-Israel U.N. agency - voted to "disavow" Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem, declaring Israel has no right to Jerusalem whatsoever. That's worse than a divided Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is the historical, biblical, and legal capital of Israel. Period.
Yet Islamic jihadists are reveling in this disastrous vote. The U.N. has time after time betrayed Israel - the only voice of freedom in the Middle East.
At the ACLJ, we're aggressively fighting back.
We've taken on new federal court cases in defense of Israel's interests. Last month I delivered a powerful presentation at the U.N. celebrating - not condemning - an Israeli Jerusalem. We've defended Israel at the International Criminal Court and are prepared to take more legal action. And in just days we'll be sending another critical legal letter to the U.N. Security Council.
But we urgently need your voice now. Israel needs you.
Sign Our Petition: Defend Israel & Jerusalem from U.N. Betrayal.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director