

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

JEFF MONROE! Our Friendship Has Lasted 24 Yrs! You Knew Me Waaayyy Back Win >:-) With JOY! Soo Happy Ur HAPPY+++Loved!! Merry Christmas Dearly Beloved! Love, Amanda

NYC 1994-Current 
I will Always remember leaping like a Gazelle onto that 
subway train like a stunt woman, as I was super pressed for time
 To my pleasant, off guarded suprize, there you were. 
Watching me all in a tizzy I cud see the wheels 
in your beautiful mind churning & we always connected on
 that level. You were always so kind & tender.
You always kept me posted on things & I loved
hearing you share so much of your journey 
as it was happening. I treasure my time 
with you + the memories
will always bring a smile to my heart.
May GOD continue to bless you + your family 
+ loved ones. You are one the BEST
Human beings that God created for our
Earth & your walk is an Inspiration to ALLLL