

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Beachcombing With JOY Z(8) Girl😻😺😽 With JOY >"< Love, Your Lover Of Life

Hiiii Y'Alll 
L@@K How BRAVE OUR Kitty Is!!!!!!

NE NE ANY NNN(555) ALLLL NEGATIVELY SENT ENERGY MUST RETURN TO SENDER! 9+111 = Sources Finding Their Way Back To The Respective Creator

TURKEY! ICU2! RRR(999)) EWE(555) HeaRRR NNN(555) Peace? God Will Let M.E./US Know REST Assured! D.A.D.


LADYBUG Baby >:-) Awwwwww!!! Y'ALLL KNOW How Much I LOVE LADYBUGS >:-) Hiii PaHead!!! ICU2! MUAHHH!!! LOVE N' MISS YA DAILY DEARLY!! With JOY!>"< Love, Your Lil Lady Bug

WAKE UP! New Day NNN(555) Play >:-) With JOY >"< Love, Your Funnn N' Z(8) Sunnn

Family of 5
Mommy, Daddy, N' 3 Duckies

BINGHAMTON RUMBLE PONIES! GRRR888 GAME >:-) Stay Focused!!! Your "BOW" ISA(911) With Ewe(555)! With JOY >"< Love, Your Rumble Pony

USA! OUR Matriarch ISA(911) With US+Alll ! A PRIME Example Of LOVE, Family, Devotion & Adoration >:-) Thank You 44444 Your 92 yrs Of Service 222 OUR Beloved Home Land Mrs. Bush >:-) With JOY >"< Love, D.A.D.

JOY 😍😇😺😻👍🏼👣🐾🐾💕🌈🌺🌻🏚 H.O.M.E.Work

Joy [N] [T]
Happiness over an unanticipated or present good. In the Old Testament joy (Heb. sama[;j;m'f])covers a wide range of human experiences—from sexual love ( So 1:4 ), to marriage( Pr 5:18 ), thebirth of children ( Psalm113:9 ), the gathering of the harvest, military victory ( Isa 9:3 ), anddrinking wine ( Psalm104:15 ). On the spiritual level it refers to the extreme happiness with which thebeliever contemplates salvation and the bliss of the afterlife. Unexpected benefits fromGod are expressed in terms of common experiences. The psalms express the joyous mood ofbelievers as they encounter God. Believers rejoice because God has surrounded them withhis steadfast love ( 32:11 )and brought them to salvation ( 40:16 ; 64:10 ). Davidrejoices that God has delivered him from the hand of his enemies ( 63:11 ). Joy is aresponse to God's word ( Psalm 119:14 ) andhis reward to believers ( Isa 65:14 ) andtheir strength ( Ne8:10 ).
Fundamental to the Old Testament understanding of joy are God's Acts in history, themost important of which is Israel's deliverance from Egypt ( Exod 18:9-11 ).Israel's return from the Babylonian exile ( Jer 31:1-19 ) toJerusalem is above the highest joy ( Psalm 137:6 ). Therestoration of Israel will be an occasion for joy ( Psalm 14:7 ) in whichnature shares ( Psalm98:4-6 ). Joy characterizes Israel's corporate worship life ( Deut 16:13-15 ;  2 Chron 30:21-22 )in which the individual participates: "I rejoiced with those who said to me,‘Let us go the house of the Lord'" ( Psalm 122:1 ).Whereas for the believer the secular joys common to human existence are distinguished fromspiritual ones, they are not separated. Spiritual joys are expressed by the metaphors offeasting, marriage, victory in military endeavors, and successful financial undertakings.The joy of the harvest is used to describe the believer's final victory over hisadversaries ( Psalm126:5-6 ). Christ's coming is described by the joy of the harvest and dividing upcaptured military booty ( Isa 9:2-7 ). Inturn, spiritual joys elevate the secular happiness of believers. Secular successes areregarded as unexpected benefits from God.
Old Testament imagery for joy is carried over into the New. Jesus joins the joys ofmarriage and spiritual ones by describing John the Baptist's reaction to his coming as thejoy (chara [carav])of the friend of the bridegroom ( John 3:29-30 ).This is accentuated by this pericope's proximity to the Cana wedding miracle where thewater changed to a superior wine relieves an embarrassed host ( John 2:1-11 ).Wine, a source of joy, anticipates eschatological joy of which Christ is an endless source( Psalm 104:15 ).Joy is associated with the nativity. The birth of John the Baptist as the forerunner ofthe Messiah is an occasion of joy for his father and others ( Luke 1:14 ). Theangel's greeting (chaire) to Mary followed by "highly favored, " a wordof the same family in Greek, may be taken as a command to rejoice as the Redeemer's mother( Luke 1:28 ).Shepherds hear that news of the birth of Christ is an occasion for great joy for allpeople ( Luke 2:10 ).Luke's cycle is completed with the disciples returning with great joy after Jesus'ascension ( 24:52 ).The Magi, upon finding the infant Jesus, are "overjoyed" ( Matt 2:10 ).
Joy belongs also to the realm of the supernatural. Angels rejoice at an unbeliever'sconversion ( Luke10:20 ). Luke places three parables together in which God, in two instances with theangels, rejoices at the redemption. Upon finding the lost sheep, the shepherd rejoices ( 15:3-7 ). The womanrejoices upon finding the lost coin ( 15:8-10 ). Theprodigal son's return brings rejoicing ( 15:11-32 ). Theparable of the man who liquifies his assets to purchase the treasure hidden in the fieldteaches us that God has joy in bringing about the atonement ( Matt 13:44 ). Thisparallels Jesus who with joy "endured the cross, scorning its shame" ( Heb 12:2 ). Also forbelievers, trials and persecution are occasions for joy ( James 1:2 ). Peterand John found their scourging an occasion for "rejoicing because they had beencounted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name" ( Acts 5:41 ).Suffering brings joy as believers are united with Christ in his suffering ( 1 Peter 4:13-14 ).Paul speaks of his joy in the midst of affliction ( 2 Cor 7:4-16 ). Itis a part of faith ( Php1:25 ). Joy expresses the relationship between the apostle and his congregations and anopportunity for thanksgiving ( Rom 15:32 ;  Php 2:28 ), witheach rejoicing in the other. God's kingdom is described as "righteousness, peace andjoy" ( Rom 14:17).Certainty of salvation is a cause for joy, as the disciples are commanded to "rejoicethat your names are written in heaven" ( Luke 10:20).Fellowship with Jesus brings continuous joy (John 15-17). 

Monday, April 16, 2018


11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
13 Return, O Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.
14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.
16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

USA? 44444 REEL?????! GRRRWWWLLL>:€ wow, they really did this ++++ sewww much moore.... there truly are no words


USA= CLEAR MESSAGE FROM USA Ambassador Nikki Haley Ewe(555) Walk Our Talk Game+Cock Gal>:-) With JOY >"< Love, Your SC Cat+Bird


Thursday, April 12, 2018

RUSSIA! A PLEA ON Z(8) BEHALF OF MOTHER EARTH! BEE MERCIFUL >:-) With JOY >"< Love, Your Mother Earth "M.E."

The time is now to connect & come together
44444 the inhabitants of OUR Beloved
Planet! Wat will your legacy say about
Ewe(555) NNN(555) Z(8) End? Now is wat 
we are here for. Merciless or Merciful.
The chance/choice ISA(911) B4 Ewe(555)

It ALLL Matters
Thank You for the time taken to visit, 
especially during these perplexing, disturbing 
hyper egomaniacal times.
you cud be anywhere & you chose to come 
here, to my/our blog and spend your time with
M.E./US >"< We are touched & I hope you
have been touch also

Please re+consider US as allies 
Save the souls in Syria
Show Mercy



ISRAEL! US+++ALLL HAVE GOTTT UR 6*6*6* With JOY >"< Love, Your Co+Pilot Of Peace N' JOY