Y•Y•Y RRR(911) YALL XXXPOSING US++ALLL 22222 THIS INHUMANE & CRUEL ABSURDITY??? Those of us with trauma NNN(555) PTSD, anxiety ++++ panic attacks, whom
RRR(999) triggered with this type of graphic & the dangerous language/411/information,
which is being irresponsibly crammed down our throats. ISA(911) profoundly disturbing/disgusting
& on many many levels๐ฟ
Also which may or may not be of validity๐
We have a God loving society whoot-whoot is being negatively impacted by these obscenities
being bombarded perpetually
How can you not take OUR children into account? Our elderly? How can yall live
with your selfies☹️๐ก๐
My sympathies go out to Mrs Ford , the Kavanaughs, USA citizens
forced to go thru this fraudulent process of the TRUTH
SOS! God,Jesus, Holy Bible,Conspiracies, Acoustic Invisibility Cloaking,NSA Spying, Tracking, Spooks,Gang Stalking, PTSD, Hyper Vigilance,,Depression, Autism Spectrum,Humpback Whale N Dolphin Standing's, Sonar Trauma, Lasers, Beams, Radio Waves, Micro Waves, ELF's, Cyber Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Our World, June 25 1967, The Remnant, LOVE, Owls, Snowflakes, JOY, NOW, Fabry Disease