

Thursday, January 24, 2019

DHF(486) Dear Heavenly Father Of ALLL That ISA (911) Of Love ❤️ ++ Light Hear My Plea My Beloved πŸ˜‡πŸ‘£❤️⭐️πŸŒžπŸ™

Lord + Beloved Savior + King of Kings, My Love ❤️ 
My Life, My reasons for whyπŸ‘£ Altho I Am Always 
with Thee in the crux of your vastness i am asking for your guidance/assistance/support/HELP  NNN(555) OUR HOUSE 🏑 
One of your children has lost their little tiny mind.
They NOOO(5-666) Longer understand the law of OUR 
land. Your Kingdom ISA(911) being prepared for your 
children. I see this with clarity, daily. Our President-
President Donald J Trump is constantly being harangued, 
belittled, disrespected, aggravated, threatened etc etc My 
brother Lucifer must be running short on time , which 
signals  your return/arrival/presence here with us ❤️⭐️πŸ‘£
This ISA(911) most powerful My Lord! Thy word says 
for us to bee 🐝  anxious for nothing.  Thy also says to turn alll things The over to Thee for judgement, so with this prayer i give Thee Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Shumer
This prayer ISA(911) decreed NNN(555) the name of Jesus Christ
Praise God for His Son ++ His unfailing love for alll 
of His Children/Kids/Sheep/Ewe(555)

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