

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Our Gift 2 Alll Of Ewe(555) ❤️🧡💛💚🤍💗💓💖 With OUR SPECIAL LIL GIRL JOY 😻 Love Grace + Mercy = YOUR D.A.D. aka “Man-Man”

2 Gallons 

May I suggest you do your own research/H.O.M.Work! I’ve always used the Zero water filter pitchers & use only glass pitchers for any of my creative waters that I make(Organic Coconut water in cartons, pure Aloe Vera juice, local organic honey plus organic oranges, lemons, limes, & infuse with fresh ginger, 
basil, mint, watermelons & pineapple’s sometimes even cucumbers) for every day drinking water. I use the zero pitchers to give to my animals & even for house plants + any herbs I grow whether inside or outside. Now I realize why I have been naturally already doing this on my own for years bc it is about quality of life. Inside as well as outside 👏😻😎
Plus LOVE the Lord with all of your heart mind body soul n spirit 
May God Bless you & keep you healthy n filled with JOY😽
Plus it’s FULL of vitamins, fiber, tons of electrolytes,
Hydration, humectants, + the best bonus is it is DELICIOUS to 
drink, it’s hard not to just guzzle it down. It helps flush your system out as well as replenish the body with all possible anti-aging properties to stop aging in its traxxx!!!
I refer to it as my “Elixir” as it is magical. It is time consuming 
to prepare but totally worth it. I make 2 gallons at a time & with only 2 people drinking it, it lasts at most 5 days 🙀😹😻