

Sunday, February 2, 2014

ICUCME ICU2 >:+) xoxoxo@

                                        ISA(911) "Ground Hog Day" And Over-Time NNN(555) Star Wars >:)
I have Z(8) Fire+Wood Dragons and The Ox by Z Tail >:)  Adam, Eve, Z(8) Raven + Z(8) Dove, Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Issac and Even Ishmael are all safe!! I also have John, James, David, Matthew, Herod, His Queen, King Solomon is also hear as ISA(911) Thomas, Our "Beau Timothy", Rachael & Leah :) n My Precious Bella Luna ISA(911) hear >:) I have Magoline >:) Gabriel, Michael n Ralphie NNN(555) Zeus with Athena in tow all have arrived. Dalila has Sampson's Forgivness & a Massive part of The Gang Is ALLA Hear >:) Above So ISA(911) Now Below!!!!  I can reach out n touch them in Z physical & n Z Now!!!! RRR(999) EWE(555) NNNN(555) Z(8) Book of LIFE??? DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! Work that must Bee DONE B4 EWE(555) RRR(999) HOME >:)  We RRR(999) Waiting!!! Come Find US+Alll ~ Hear We RRR(999) >:) >:)

USA= Us All >:)
H.O.M.E.   Heaven On Mother Earth
P.O.E.M. = Peace On Earth Movement