

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Your "God" VS MINE =OurZ >:+) xoxoxo@

"U" Cannot Bring Your "GOD" bc he is UNDER FOOT & ONN Z(8)  Run >:)

IFFF Your "God" asks of Ewe to blow yourself up n2 Smithereens n Ashes Like "Z" "Big Bang" and take out as many of your Brother's N Sister's 4 proof of your Loyalty, as the horror n trauma has been revealed to me, then YOU tell him/her/it/nothingness to  C-C ME!!!! Yall know where I Am Now! As Your DAD I Wood NEVER ask this from EWE!!! >:(:::

NOOO BURNTTT Sacrafices Made N Our Kingdom NOW WON ONE >:+)

 Plllllzzzzz WE BEG 4 Z(8)  Mercy Of ALLL OUR Children!!!!! Those that have 2 legs/4 legs/no legs!!! 4 "Z" LOVE Of GOD OUR Father and Creator Of The Heaven and Earth. Above n SOE Below And 2 "Z" Ends Of The Earth ISA(911) NNN(555)  WhooZz Name NNN(555) WhooZz Hands This Opportunity ISA(911) Being Handed Out Amongst Ewe >:+) I Will introduce Ewe 2 "Z" FATHER God that I Serve Whole Heartedly DILIGENTLY and Obediently Without Waver or Faulter >:+)
I Have Absolute Delight 2 DEW Sew 4 Ewe >:)  Those that Have Eyes Let Them Sea n Those Whom Have Ears Hear >:+)