

Thursday, August 21, 2014


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The silicon disc with goodwill messages left on Moon by Apollo 11 astronauts
The Apollo 11 goodwill messages are statements from leaders of 73 countries around the world on a disc about the size of a 50-cent piece made of silicon that was left on the Moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts.
The disc also carried names of the leadership of the Congress, the four committees of the House and Senate responsible for legislation related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and NASA's top management, including past Administrators and Deputy Administrators.
At the top of the disc is the inscription: "Goodwill messages from around the world brought to the Moon by the astronauts of Apollo 11." Around the rim is the statement: "From Planet Earth -- July 1969". The disc was manufactured by Sprague Electric Company of North Adams, Massachusetts. NASA administrator Thomas O. Paine corresponded with world leaders to enshrine their messages, which were photographed and reduced to 1/200 scale ultra microfiche silicon etching. The disc rests in an aluminum case on the Moon's Sea of Tranquility.[

Nations Represented by Goodwill Messages on Apollo 11 Disc

Translations of goodwill messages


The Afghan people join me in most warmly congratulating the American people, particularly the intrepid astronauts and all those who have played a role in this historic and incredible journey. The Afghan people express the hope that the expanded knowledge man has of his universe will be used wisely in the cause of peace on earth and for the betterment of the condition of mankind.
Mohammad Zahir
King of Afghanistan


In the name of the Government and people of Argentina I have the honor to wish you the very best for the success of the great exploit that the brave crew of the Apollo XI is going to undertake. The effort and the risks that this extraordinary scientific enterprise demands open unlimited possibilities for the creative ability of the human spirit and it will constitute without any doubts an incentive that will commit all people in order to make a better and finer world. I present, Mr. President, my highest consideration to you.
Juan Carlos Onganía


Australians are pleased and proud to have played a part in helping to make it possible for the first man from earth to land on the moon. This is a dramatic fulfillment of man's urge to go always a little further; to explore and know the formerly unknown; to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. May the high courage and the technical genius which made this achievement possible be so used in the future that mankind will live in a universe in which peace, self-expression, and the chance of a dangerous adventure are available to all.
John Gorton
Prime Minister


Now that, for the very first time, men will land on the moon, we consider this memorable event with wonder and respect.
We feel admiration and confidence toward all those who have cooperated in this performance, and especially towards the three courageous men who take with them our hopes, as well as those, from all nations, who were their forerunners or who will follow them in space.
With awe we consider the power with which man has been entrusted and the duties which devolve on him.
We are deeply conscious of our responsibility with respect to the tasks which may be open to us in the universe, but also to those which remain to be fulfilled on this earth, so to bring more justice and more happiness to mankind.
May God help us to realize with this new step in world history better understanding between nations and a closer brotherhood between men.
King of the Belgians


In rejoicing together with the government and the people of the United States of America for the event of the century, I pray God that this brilliant achievement of science remain always at the service of peace and of mankind.
Artur da Costa e Silva


Man has reached out and touched the tranquil moon. Puisse ce haut fait permettre à l'homme de redécouvrir la terre et d'y trouver la paix. (May that high accomplishment allow man to rediscover the Earth and find peace there.)
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Prime Minister


Let this important step in the cosmic conquest remain for generation to come a mark of an epoch of fellowship and of universal peace. These are the earnest wishes of the Chadian people and of its government.
François Tombalbaye


May the men of our planet take to the moon a message of peace and good will from this place on the Earth that is Chile.
Eduardo Frei

Republic of China (Taiwan)

It is our sincere desire that the astronauts, upon the date of their landing on the moon, will have made a significant contribution to a world utopia and peace through the universe.
Chiang Kai-shek