

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantly Says 'God Saved My Life' HALLEUJAH MBK XO@

GOD & Lord Above All & Saviour FINALLY Receives CREDIT/Justice/Appreciation/Humility 4 HIS TRUTH TYMBK & TY DR. BRANTLY 4 UR TESTIMONY/Faith/Conviction/Trust/Hope/Prayers/Encouragement & Ur Gratitude >:+)
JOB Vrrrrrrrrriiii Welll DONE!!!!  TAKE THAT SATAN!!!!  USA IZZZ BIO ADVANCING >:+)
With Love & Grace

On Wednesday, July 23, I woke up feeling under the weather and then my life took an unexpected turn as I was diagnosed with Ebola. As I lay in my bed in Liberia for nine days, getting sicker each day, I prayed God would help be more faithful in even in my illness, and that in my illness or even death he would glorified," Brantly said.

Brantly said that when Writebol left the hospital on Tuesday, she asked him to speak on her behalf to the public and express gratitude for prayers on her behalf.
"When she walked out of the room, all she could say was ‘To God be the glory,’" Brantly recalled.