Knottt My Intention Onn My Part Buttt Is Intent Of Y'ALLL So letz Do It Your Way... W/O Me WATCH WATCHERS WAT I CAN DO WITHOUT TRYING TO FIGHT FOR YOU.
A Scanner Darkly is a 2006 American adult animatedscience fictionthrillerfilm directed by Richard Linklater based on the novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick. The film tells the story of identity and deception in a near-future dystopia constantly under intrusive high-technology police surveillance in the midst of a drug addiction epidemic. The film was shot digitally and then animated using interpolatedrotoscope, an animation technique in which animators trace over the original footage frame by frame, for use in live-action and animated films, giving the finished result a distinctive animated look. It was distributed by Warner Independent Pictures and it was the first (and only so far) animated film released by Warner Independent Pictures.
The United States has lost the war on drugs. Substance D, a powerful and dangerous drug that causes bizarre hallucinations has swept the country. Approximately 20% of the total population is addicted. In response, the government has developed an invasive, high-tech surveillance system and a network of undercover officers and informants.
HILLARY CLINTON + BARACK OBAMA Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to CIA renditions and organized crime publication date: Oct 15, 2007 Previous | Next October 15, 2007 -- Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to CIA renditions and organized crime On September 24, 2007, a Gulfstream II (tail number N987SA) crashed landed in Yucatan, Mexico with 3.3 metric tons (3.7 tons) of cocaine on board.
The plane had recently been sold to Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. of Coconut Creek, Florida, a firm owned by two Brazilians, and re-sold, shortly before the crash, to two Florida businessmen. N987SA had also flown patterns to and from Guantanamo Bay similar to those flown by CIA rendition aircraft Before being sold to Donna Blue, the Gulfstream had been owned by Air Rutter International, a firm with offices in Garden City, New York; Long Beach and Irvine, California, whose owner is Arik Kislin, the son of Sam Kislin. N987SA was owned by Kislin's business partner, William Achenbaum, an owner, along with Arik Kislin, of Manhattan's Hotel Gansevoort.
accused of helping a US tourist kill Zimbabwe's most famous lion has been released on bail.
Theo Bronkhorst pleaded not guilty to a charge of "failing to prevent an unlawful hunt". He was granted bail of $1,000 (£638) and ordered to appear in court again on 5 August.
His co-accused - farm owner Honest Ndlovu - will appear at a later date.
Duke University has built the first 3D omnidirectional acoustic invisibility cloak. The cloaking device, which takes the form of a pyramid of perforated plastic, is hidden from sound waves striking it from any direction — if you fired some sound waves at the device, using sonar for example, you would see nothing; not the cloak, and not the object beneath it. This has obvious applications in the military, but also in architectural acoustics.
Here at ExtremeTech we’ve written a lot about metamaterials — specially fabricated materials that have properties never found in nature — and how they allow for the creation of some seriously outlandish devices, such as invisibility cloaks and superlenses. Metamaterials aren’t necessarily restricted to bending light waves in odd ways, though; they can also be used to manipulate acoustic waves, too.
Case in point: Duke University’s 3D acoustic cloak, which consists of layers of perforated plastic arranged in a pyramidal shape. The exact geometry of the cloak, plus the placement of the holes, very precisely control the propagation and reflection of sound waves. The idea is that, when the cloak is hit by some acoustic waves, it alters the trajectory of the waves so that it’s as if the cloak and the cloaked object were never there.
If you imagine the Duke cloak sitting on the ground, and sound waves moving straight down towards it, they would be reflected by the cloak in such a way that it appears that they’ve bounced off the floor. As you can see in the diagram below, the cloaking is not quite perfect (compare Ground to Cloak), but it’s pretty good for an experimental prototype.
The centre of the acoustic circulator, pictured, is fitted with three specially positioned fans that change the flow of air through the separate chambers
The centre of the acoustic circulator, pictured, is fitted with three specially positioned fans that change the flow of air through the separate chambers
Spies around the world could soon be able to listen in on secret conversations without any fear of being found out thanks to the first ever one-way sound machine.
Sound waves traditionally travel forward before bouncing back, and with sound this means you can speak, hear yourself speak, and hear any responses.
An 'acoustic circulator' which is the first of its kind, uses fans to change the flow of air as sound waves travel through it and this prevents the waves from bouncing back.
The circulator was created by a team of researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin led by Professor Andrea Alu.
Professor Alu said his experiments successfully prove that the 'fundamental symmetry with which acoustic waves travel through air between two points in space - for example, if you can hear, you can also be heard - can be broken by a compact and simple device'.
The inspiration for the device came from current three-port electronic circulators that are typically used in communication devices and radars.
For example, Microwaves and radio signals are able to move from one port to the next in sequence, meaning they're never sent back to the recipient.
In these electronic circulators, when one of the ports isn’t being used, the system acts as an isolator, letting signals to flow from one port to the other, but not back.
The UT Austin team realised the same principles could apply from sound waves traveling in air, which led to the team's building of a first-of-its-kind three-port acoustic circulator.
'Using the proposed concept, we were able to create one-way communication for sound traveling through air,' Professor Alu said.
The invisibility cloak for SOUND: Plastic pyramid could hide objects from sonar
Engineers from Duke University in North Carolina, claim the acoustic cloaking device works no matter which direction the sound is coming from
The device reroutes sound waves to create the impression that both the cloak and anything beneath it are not there
A refined version of the technology could one day be used for sonar avoidance and to refine noise in concert halls
The 'invisible' pyramid: The world's first 3D acoustic cloak (pictured) was created by U.S. engineers using just a few perforates sheets of plastic and a great deal of number crunching. The device reroutes sound waves to create the impression that both the cloak and anything beneath it are not there
The engineers used metamaterials - a combination of materials with special light-scattering qualities; in this case in repeating patterns - to achieve unnatural properties.
The pyramid is constructed using plastic plates with a repeating pattern of holes that are stacked on top of one another.
Its design means that sound waves can be manipulated by plastic and air.
The cloak alters the sound waves’ trajectory to match what they would look like had they had reflected off a flat surface.
Because the sound waves are not penetrating the pyramid, they are travelling a shorter distance, which in turn affects the wave's speed.
The device then reroutes these slower sound waves to create the impression that both the cloak and anything beneath it are not there.
Engineers from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, claim that unlike other efforts, the acoustic cloaking device works in all three dimensions, no matter which direction the sound is coming from.
The materials manipulating the behaviour of sound waves in the plastic pyramid, which is constructed using plastic plates with a repeating pattern of holes that are stacked on top of one another, are simply plastic and air.
The cloak alters the sound waves’ trajectory to match what they would look like had they had reflected off a flat surface.
Because the sound waves are not penetrating the pyramid, they are travelling a shorter distance, which in turn affects the wave's speed.
The device then reroutes these slower sound waves to create the impression that both the cloak and anything beneath it are not there.
‘The structure that we built might look really simple,’ said Professor Cummer, ‘but I promise you that it’s a lot more difficult and interesting than it looks.
‘We put a lot of energy into calculating how sound waves would interact with it. We didn’t come up with this overnight,’ he said.
‘The particular trick we’re performing is hiding an object from sound waves,’ said Steven Cummer, professor of electrical and computer engineering.
‘By placing this cloak around an object, the sound waves behave like there is nothing more than a flat surface in their path,’ he explained.
To achieve the effect, Professor Cummer and his colleagues used metamaterials, which are materials with light-scattering properties.
His device uses a combination of materials in repeating patterns to achieve unnatural properties, according to the study which is published in the journal Nature Materials.
To test the cloaking device, the researchers covered a small sphere with the cloak and ‘pinged’ it with short bursts of sound from various angles.
She Puts Him 1st. She Can Bee Counted ONNN(6555) >:) She ISA(911) His MOST FAVORITE TreaZzz-RRR/Creation/Possession/JOYToy/Love/Dove/DAD/Girl/World/Pearle/
Lady-Bug/Bear-Hugg/Sugar-Plum/Z Rising Sun >:)
Eye Wood Knowww ISA(911) Me!!!
Cecil the Lion, 13, was one of the stars of Hwange National Park
Hunter allegedly paid ranger £36,000 to lure lion out of the park
Cecil was shot with an arrow by a hunter, outside the park's border
The hunter skinned Cecil and cut off his head for a hunting trophy
Zimbabwe Conservation Taskforce said he could face criminal charges
A Western hunter could face criminal charges after allegedly paying a park ranger £36,000 to kill one of Africa's most famous lions, it has been reported.
Cecil, who was about 13-years-old, was lured out of Zimbabwe's biggest national park and then shot with a bow and arrow by a tourist, who is thought to be Spanish.
Only wounding the lion, the hunter then spent two days tracking the animal before killing it with a rifle.The corpse was then skinned and the head hacked off as a trophy.
This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages. The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based "Star Wars" weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska.
The individuals who are demanding answers about HAARP are scattered around the planet. As well as bush dwellers in Alaska, they include: a physician in Finland; a scientist in Holland; an anti-nuclear protester in Australia; independent physicists in the United States; a grandmother in Canada, and countless others.
Unlike the protests of the 1960s the objections to HAARP have been registered using the tools of the 1990s. From the Internet, fax machines, syndicated talk radio and a number of alternative print mediums the word is getting out and people are waking up to this new intrusion by an over zealous United States government.
The research team put together to gather the materials which eventually found their way into the book never held a formal meeting, never formed a formal organization. Each person acted like a node on a planetary info-spirit-net with one goal held by all -- to keep this controversial new science in the public eye. The result of the team's effort was a book which describes the science and the political ramifications of this technology.
That book, Angels Don't Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, has 230 pages. This article will only give the highlights. Despite the amount of research (350 footnoted sources), at its heart it is a story about ordinary people who took on an extraordinary challenge in bringing their research forward.
HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater." (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.)
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly -- HAARP aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." Communicating with submarines is only one of those purposes.
Press releases and other information from the military on HAARP continually downplay what it could do. Publicity documents insist that the HAARP project is no different than other ionospheric heaters operating safely throughout the world in places such as Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Tromso, Norway, and the former Soviet Union. However, a 1990 government document indicates that the radio-frequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to unnatural activities.
" ... at the highest HF powers available in the West, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will 'runaway' until the next limiting factor is reached."
If the military, in cooperation with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based "Star Wars" technology is sound, they both win. The military has a relatively-inexpensive defense shield and the University can brag about the most dramatic geophysical manipulation since atmospheric explosions of nuclear bombs. After successful testing, they would have the military megaprojects of the future and huge markets for Alaska's North Slope natural gas.
Amazing secrets from Earth's 9th dimension that every space girl (or boy) should know before visiting there...magical & spooky-I couldn't put it down -The Orion Tribune Earth is in for some big changes in the coming years. But I had mixed feelings about returning to this whirling ball of chaos, especially as a female In truth, most of my previous missions to Earth didn't end well. And now, to make matters worse, Earthlings have added nuclear weapons to their arsenal. But Mercurio, emissary from the Great Winged Council, has big plans for me. He promises me wild times, romance, and a golden treasure of sorts-temptations too great for me to pass up. Subsequently, I am born into Earthly flesh in the year 1952, in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Although it doesn't take me long to forget who I truly am, I soon encounter a whole host of spirits who do their best to enlighten me, spirits that only I can see and hear-Faeries, a cosmic nanny, a beautiful Earth Deity, Mercurio and others-who hang out in Earth's ninth dimension. To be honest, I don't always like what they have to say. But sometimes, most especially in the middle of the night, they tell me fantastic tales of how life first came to be on Earth-of the rise and fall of Atlantis, Lemuria and the Great Reptilian Beasts. And too, of "The Great Awakening" yet to come. They also help me to face a dark truth about my own Earthling past (yecch )-one that has the power to set me free or keep me forever a victim of the cruelty I once suffered on this world many lifetimes ago.
Ewe Cud Bee Next Murdered Victim >:€ GRRRWWWWWLLLLL !!!!!!!
"Get Out Of Car, I Will Drag You Out, I Will 'Light' You Up". WTF WTF WTF >:€
I LOVE EWE LORD MY HEART BREAKS 4 Sandy & Her Family >:(:::::
Her Purpose & Her Life Served 2 SERVE Ewe & Her Soul ISA(911) SAVED >:)::::
LOCATION Connected into the body and field through the subatomic particles called quarks
ANCHOR POINT TO THE PLANET There are many earthly anchor points but the main anchor point is in Siberia. There is also an anchor point in the Ganges River in India.
ASSOCIATED COLOR Gold with more yellow and a bit of light green harmonics
PERSONAL ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH THE NINTH CHAKRA This is one of the first levels that vibrates so far beyond human experience that there are no personal issues associated with this chakra.
The ninth dimension primarily focuses its energy on intergalactic activities and endeavors.
Because the ninth dimension interconnects galaxies, it has very unusual light frequencies and light/sound harmonics. These light frequencies and harmonics form a self-regulating system that oversees the evolution of all of the galaxies. This is a very important function as no one galaxy can evolve at a rate or pace to imbalance the universe.
Barbara Hand Clow (with Gerry Clow) in her book, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions writes with great clarity about the ninth dimension. She maintains that the Milky Way is the entirety of the 9th dimension and contains a black hole in its very middle from which flow intergalactic energies. She feels that from this source are derived the origins of time itself.
In my view, the Mayan Universal Tree of Life, which governs the evolutionary cycles of this planet, vibrates to the ninth dimension.
From the perspective of human soul evolution, once you have vibrated to all nine dimensions, you have officially completed your universal experience and are free to come or leave the universe.
When I want to safely travel in various worlds, I like to enter from the ninth dimension because border guards, such as the Council of Nine, watch out for my welfare and recalibrate my energy field vibration. Intergalactic realms are the inner spiritual planes for many cultures on the earth, so traveling here is like sliding between the culture and their respective spiritual worlds.
The ninth is the dimension of quarks. Quarks are truly quantum in their reality. The quark aspect of us allows our multidimensionality. Quarks seemingly appear and disappear very quickly. When they appear in this reality, they support our third dimensional reality. When they disappear to another dimension, world or galaxy, they support that aspect of us. This instantaneous presence between and among the other dimensions, realms and galaxies allows us to continually be in contact and communication with our other parts.
This is the beginning of nonduality between the dimensions. It is not the simultaneous consciousness of all of our multidimensionality such as at the tenth and eleventh levels, but it is the beginning of nonduality in a very real way.
Violations of Spiritual Law as they relate to intergalactic issues
At a time when I traveled in this dimension quite a lot, I primarily spent time working with inner planes councils such as the Council of Nine. This Council regulates the comings and goings of souls and entities onto the planet and into the galaxy (exit and entrance visas). They are in essence high-level governance for the intergalactic negotiations. This council also deals with high-level violations of Spiritual Law.
I have also just spent time cruising in this dimension without content, surfing the harmonics with their intricate complexity.
When I am working with clients and supporting their spiritual development by overseeing spiritual initiations, I work from and within this level.
I work from this dimension whenever I transition a soul from this life to the next.
ASSOCIATED SENSATIONS WHEN TRAVELING HERE Contrasted with the coarse strength of the 8th dimensional energies, the 9th dimensional energies are smooth and subtle. The harmonics allow for a most relaxing, yet totally absorbing experience. Subtle refinement would be the best phrase for this experience.
Dimensional energies from here can be downloaded by healers to their clients to stimulate the brain to send messages to the body for healing.
Dimensional level needed to access permission to work with soul evolutionary models.
Dimensional level used to inform cells to shift vibration and dimensional levels; these are called the Re-creation codes.
I love to work in and from this dimension with clients. When I peer inside the atom and work with the quark awareness in the body, I see its inner planes which look like threads that have 9 levels to them. This quark level helps the pure essence of self enter into the body and anchor, thus truly spiritualizing matter. As I work to activate and awaken this level in my client, they tend to respond with “in the body” feelings of joy and exhilaration. They also report feeling more solid and “more themselves” than ever before. It is a truly an “in the body/out of the body” feeling. That’s one of the hallmarks of evolutionary work.
Deep work in the brain is often done from and with this dimension and its energies.
Guides and councils at this level love to work with evolution at all levels.
Council of Nine
More advanced angels
Some Master Devas of the Planet
Energies of the Keys of Enoch
WORDS THAT CONVEY THE VIBRATION OF THE NINTH DIMENSION Evolution, intergalactic, spiritual refinement, inner planes initiations, allurement