

Saturday, July 25, 2015

"My 333rd Life On Z(8) Planet"

Amazing secrets from Earth's 9th dimension that every space girl (or boy) should know before visiting there...magical & spooky-I couldn't put it down  
-The Orion Tribune 
Earth is in for some big changes in the coming years. But I had mixed feelings about returning to this whirling ball of chaos, especially as a female In truth, most of my previous missions to Earth didn't end well. And now, to make matters worse, Earthlings have added nuclear weapons to their arsenal. But Mercurio, emissary from the Great Winged Council, has big plans for me. He promises me wild times, romance, and a golden treasure of sorts-temptations too great for me to pass up. Subsequently, I am born into Earthly flesh in the year 1952, in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Although it doesn't take me long to forget who I truly am, I soon encounter a whole host of spirits who do their best to enlighten me, spirits that only I can see and hear-Faeries, a cosmic nanny, a beautiful Earth Deity, Mercurio and others-who hang out in Earth's ninth dimension. To be honest, I don't always like what they have to say. But sometimes, most especially in the middle of the night, they tell me fantastic tales of how life first came to be on Earth-of the rise and fall of Atlantis, Lemuria and the Great Reptilian Beasts. And too, of "The Great Awakening" yet to come. They also help me to face a dark truth about my own Earthling past (yecch )-one that has the power to set me free or keep me forever a victim of the cruelty I once suffered on this world many lifetimes ago. www.my333rdlife.com