SOS! God,Jesus, Holy Bible,Conspiracies, Acoustic Invisibility Cloaking,NSA Spying, Tracking, Spooks,Gang Stalking, PTSD, Hyper Vigilance,,Depression, Autism Spectrum,Humpback Whale N Dolphin Standing's, Sonar Trauma, Lasers, Beams, Radio Waves, Micro Waves, ELF's, Cyber Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Our World, June 25 1967, The Remnant, LOVE, Owls, Snowflakes, JOY, NOW, Fabry Disease
Saturday, July 25, 2015
SYNESTHESIA: I Have Said This "@" Million Times & Still 2 This Day... wow
Some synesthetes often report that they were unaware their experiences were unusual until they realized other people did not have them, while others report feeling as if they had been keeping a secret their entire lives.[11] The automatic and ineffable nature of a synesthetic experience means that the pairing may not seem out of the ordinary. This involuntary and consistent nature helps define synesthesia as a real experience. Most synesthetes report that their experiences are pleasant or neutral, although, in rare cases, synesthetes report that their experiences can lead to a degree of sensory overload.[14]