Monday, January 07, 2008
Protecting Your Child From Active Monarch Mind Control Programs

This is the one icon of American power that they don't want you to know about. Due to powerful marionette programming, most Americans are unaware that they are programmed marionettes. Only a very few members in government and the military know the real plot. Likewise, the overwhelming majority of marionettes are good and decent people. Americans are just as programmed for wrongful authority as the Iraqis. Torture is no longer a crime in America, it is now a "de-programming" method. Most of what is passed off as torture is really Monarch Mind Control. For some Americans, this entire blog is a torture for the very same reason. They do not want to acknowledge that all of this Mind Control is real and comes from Nazi Germany.
This method was brought from Nazi Germany by Bonesman Allen Dulles for use in our own CIA. It was actively advanced by the Bush family through secretive eugenics programs. Now it has found its way to our children through a cottage industry of "protection" services and the resulting hysteria is being applied to millions of fathers, mothers and families throughout the U.S. in order to traffic their children. This military indoctrination program has literally "trickled down" to all levels of society through incremental programming. It is now perfectly legal to speak about it, because after 50 years of programming, most Americans won't believe the truth. Even though the Behavioral "sciences" have radically changed since the 1950s, now actively encouraging broken homes, no one actually follows the money back to its true, government sources. The existing media run by a very small elite is conditioned to scoff at the truth. But this truth is also a severe threat to much of our government and it is so obvious that it will eventually sink into good Americans. This is the real Matrix controlling your life that you were never meant to know about and will want to totally ignore. Nothing is more bizarre than the truth because you were programmed not to see the truth!
What the Nazis like Mengele learned through pure evil is that "conditioned" children can be programmed like computers. Through trauma-based conditioning, children will invert their love for a parent and become a slave for the state. They can then program their own children to do the same. Like a super computer virus or worm, their evil programming can live on long after they are physically dead and re-emerge in a future generation. This is the "Monarch Worm" that is advanced as a behavioral "science" and is very much alive, active and functional. Nazi hunters are actively seeking it in the U.S. government. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, I viewed the total dysfunction of government "altruistic" programs based on this "science." These social programs are actually eugenics programs which program attitudes and have been applied to depopulate and demoralize minorities in New Orleans for generations. Since these programs were run by programmed cyborgs of the state, actually helping people in a time of crisis became impossible. Police and social workers who worked these programs for years became the worst criminals.