

Monday, December 28, 2015

PROJECT MONARCH: Z(8) Force Awakens >:’-€

Armed with this deadly research, a collection of "dedicated psychiatrists" from Germany, Italy, and the US, a new but ancient form of mind-control was reborn through Project Monarch. This is very effective mind control that is made "untouchable" on a massive scale. 

Modern science had simply unraveled the occult cryptic so called "magikal" secrets of mind control...to spawn a new generation of "superior beings"...who could NEVER ASK WHAT THEIR COUNTRY COULD DO FOR THEM...BUT ONLY WHAT THEY COULD DO FOR THEIR COUNTRY. With this, all forms of deception are possible.

The "killer programming" known to encode soldiers with powerful killer and self-destruction programming has been extensively studied as "Satanic Arrogance." Satanic Arrogance produces powerful psychic attacks which possess a tell-tale signature which indicates that it comes almost exclusively from some form of Monarch programming. These tell-tale signatures, therefore, can be studied and a major flaw in Monarch Programming is exposed: such programming is not contained to the individual, but it actually manipulates the collective unconscious, manipulating entire cultures through powerful psychic attacks, becoming an ancient "art" of social engineering on the subconscious level. Such is the power of absolute terrorism, absolute deception and absolute wrongful authority.