

Friday, July 15, 2016

IRONY! H.O.M.E. Work! 1* Degree Of Separation >:€


She ISA He >:€
CLYDE S. O'Connor OMG He is using his FAKE wife's middle name right under her nose!! wow! Shameless 

Baddd  Karma Folks. Your ill treatment of others will catch up 2 you Sooner rather than l888-RRR! Days b4 this post he picked yet another fight with me so that  he did not have to honor commitments he had made with me for weeks & months & even years. Wat a punk!

HYPOCRISY From A Drug Smuggler/Corrupt Criminal/Fraud who
Believes his self 2 Bee 007. You can clearly see by his email address. 
This is the email address he has used most recently to engage with me secretly so that his illegal wife, other girlfriends as well as myself wud BEE clueless. We ALLLL were until I just found this in my Google plus suggestions. He must have been on my blogs snooping around. He has a clever story to explain the address of course. I am supposedly Agent Triple XXX. So he presented it as if he needs me. 
Blah Blah Blah!!!
 Just PROOF of how far he is willing to sink bc he thinks himself Gangster >:€
MOORE like Douche
Anyways, God is taking care of this reckless, irresponsible, narcissistic, selfish, lonely God 4-Saken clown/joker/puppet 
Do the opposite of anything he says!!! RUNNN 4 Z(8) Hills if you ever cross his path. He is dangerous to everyone & has zero regard 4 the health & well being of others including his own. He is Snake, a Con Man & has no HUMANITY. I'm shore the Restaurant was fine & whoever else he was smugly bashing. He is sooo bored ++miserable in the world he has created 4 himself  that he has nothing better to do than to lash out at others. Plus he has NOOO control over his Selfie nor his witchy VooDoo 
spell caster excuse for a wife(Carmem Carol Ann Cavalcanti de Melo Farias Cataffo O'Connor). Grossss!! Thanks bee 2 God Almighty 4 I am no longer a prisoner, isolated, manipulated, confused, heart broken, blatantly deceived. This Jack-Ass kept me in a state of perpetual distress like a form of psychological terrorism. I guess when you are in bed with the Clinton's + Obama's + The Russian's, Colombians, Arab's nothing is off limits Right COCO??! You did say I was right & you are right, I am right. I was just totally wrong about you. I made it out of your web of death + destruction with my wits & soul in tack. You haven't known life without me for 6years but the reality of our loss will cause your heart to drop you to your knees. Keep your Brazilian wife. She represents her imploding country well >:€  She TRICKED you for papers, our DNA, Your now legacy,  + she now has all access pass to OUR Country (Big Tx 2U) she robbed you of your Destiny. Damage is done. 
 No regard for his own life, or his young daughters, nor the other driver and his family >:€ 
This situation was the deal breaker for me >:’-(
 I have personally witnessed him when his mind goes into a perceived RAGE & he totally looses composure and reacts like he is being cornered. 
Scary is an understatement 
Moral 2 Story... You cant save/spare people from them Selfie's 