

Friday, April 11, 2014

41114 Warning – Do Not Engage With Demons in the 2nd Heaven Unless Directly Authorized by The Lord!!!!

LISTEN 2 US!! The 1 to get bitten is U.. It iZ a "SET UP" "BAIT n SWITCH"  >:(

Unless God Himself DIRECTLY Authorizes & Commissions EWE 2 engage N this kind of Vrrrrrrrriiii SPECIAL, High Level type of SPIRITUAL WARFARE, that EWE STAY completely AWAY from this kind of activity!!!!! >:•€
IF EWE try 2 step n2 this kind of arena without God’s direct approval and protection, EWE could open both yourself and possibly the members of your immediate family 2 MAJOR (Ursa Major And Draco) attacks from these higher-ranking demons!!!! LOVE iZ Z ONLY PROTECTION.. BEE Vigilant. Bee Brave, BEE Playful. BEE Kind. BEE HeART-FULLL. BEE Honest, BEE Truthful, BEE Trustworthy, Bee Authentic, BEE Grateful... 2Bee or not 2Bee this iZ ur question 2 answer! It also iZ btwn EWE & Z GOD that you serve >:+)  
Watch Out Forewarned  >:+)