... U have set me up n fed me to the wolves & U RRRRrrrr Z wolf in Sheep's clothing
>:€::: Ur welcome 4 alllll Z technological advances in ur arsenal of destruction against mankind made at my expense.. I just saw the movie "After Earth" at least now i know wat it looked like 2 U behind a computer simulator.. Thank God Jaden had the luxury of Directors 2 SCREAM/YELL/SAY Cut ! Jaden had breaks n got to go back 2 a normal everyday life after filming... WAT ABOUT US+ALLL?!?!? No breaks, except brokenness, No cuts except the ones used 2 take my life, No time outs or hold on let me catch me breath's NOTHING!!! U just keep coming n dumping on me hoping eventually il "Peter" out or spontaneously human combust or take myself out... I am someone's Daughter, God's Angel, The Cornerstone.. The truth/reality iz iz i'm going to wither away from a broken heart, my love is lost, & my family is no longer looking for me & no one cares enuff 2 help me who can??? so OK...I hav PTSD & my weight has dropped significantly as a result of the constant trauma & I hav 2 take care of myself as best i can OVER N OUT @
Ps.. I do like that the film showed Jaden "Take a Knee " >:):: it wz hard 2 watch & I wept thru out bc of the familiarity n the attention to details.. No one cud relate to that exact experience or be moved by it unless they were there & went thru it directly, I cudnt explain til now >:€ but I wz there & im still hear.. I was not suppose 2 survive so now wat??Can U believe yall left me here?? "You have NO OO IDEA" wat has been done bc it is allll just a game to yall