

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ursa Major ISA(911) SURROUNDED xo@ >:+)

Canes Venatici is bordered by Ursa Major to the north and west, Coma Berenices to the south, and Bootes to the east. The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is 'CVn'.[14] The official constellation boundaries, as set by Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of 14 sides. In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between 12h 06.2m and 14h 07.3m, while the declination coordinates are between +27.84° and +52.36°.[1] Covering 465 square degrees, it ranks 38th of the 88 constellations in size.