

Monday, June 9, 2014

"Z" "OLIVE TREE" ISA(911) Planted >:+)

Thank You 4 Giving US+ALLL "@"  "WHOLE TREE" NStead Of Just "@" "Branch"

Vatican City (AFP) - The Israeli and Palestinian presidents will plant an olive tree as a symbol of peace after an unprecedented prayer meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican Gardens on Sunday amid high tensions in the Middle East.
The Vatican said it hoped the initiative launched by Francis, which will include Christian, Jewish and Muslim prayers and music, would have an impact on public opinion but stressed it would be a purely spiritual event.
The ceremony will begin at 1700 GMT, the Vatican said on Friday, specifying that prayers will be delivered in the chronological order of the founding of world's three main monotheistic religions: first Judaism, then Christianity and Islam.
The prayers from each of the three delegations will focus on three themes: "creation", "invocation for forgiveness" and "invocation for peace", the Vatican said.
"The pope wanted to look beyond, upwards. Nobody is fooling themselves that peace will break out in the Holy Land, that this will bring peace closer. But this time to stop and breathe has been absent for some time," he said.
"This will not be an inter-religious prayer. We are not holding a joint prayer, we are meeting to pray," he said.
"Father Badr also gave Petra a recent photo of the olive tree with these words inscribed besides it in Italian: "From King Hussein Bin Talal to Pope Paul VI, January 6, 1964." During a visit to the Vatican on September 18, 1999, the same year he acceded to the throne, His Majesty King Abdullah II, accompanied by Her Majesty Queen Rania and a delegation of ministers and other top Jordanian figures, met Pope John Paul II."