

Thursday, February 23, 2017

KKC! BIGGG HUGE TY! BLESS EWE(555) Mi Mini Me >:-) I Love You! Your ONLY Sis! Mandy

Key Verse: ““For I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.”” (Galatians 6:17)
The apostle Paul wore a badge that marked him out as being a true servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. He bore in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus. Is there anything about us that marks us out as belonging to Christ and identifies us with Him? The word “”I”” is emphatic in the Greek. Paul said, ““I bear in my body the marks of Jesus.”” Was he boasting? No, but in this letter Paul was vindicating his ministry. Many of the Jewish teachers had subverted these Galatian Christians into believing that he was not truly an apostle because he had not known the Lord Jesus in the days of His flesh. So Paul compared himself with these judaising teachers and he asked, ““Have they the marks of the Lord Jesus upon them? No –- but I have!”” What is the proof of our attachment to Christ? Is it the words we speak? No, not primarily. There should be some distinctive marks about our lives that identify us as Christians.
TY 444444 Taking One 444444 
Z(8)  "AAA" Team >:-)

Let us ask the Lord that He will honour us by placing upon us the marks of the Lord Jesus, so that others may more readily see whose we are and whom we serve, until the time comes when we are able to say with the apostle –- 2 Timothy 4: 6-8!