ISA (911) SHADOW GOVERNMENT - an attempt to undercut the President.
Now we're just hours from taking critical legal action to stop it.
In his final days in office, President Obama's Administration changed the rules - giving vast new access to classified national security information to over a dozen federal agencies.
The result - dangerous leaks, criminal violations of the Espionage Act, and the creation of a
shadow government to sabotage President Trump's Administration.
It's a soft coup, allowing unelected bureaucrats to undermine the President and
dramatically endanger our national security by dangerously leaking classified information. It's unconstitutional.
We not only discovered this dangerous national security breach, we're taking direct legal action to expose and stop it.
Our Government Accountability Project is mobilizing to fight back.
Tomorrow we will file legal demands of the bureaucracy
1) Expose how the Obama Administration rammed this rule change through. 2) Stop the soft coup and the rampant leak of classified information. 3) Protect our national security.
We're aggressively battling the taxpayer-funded bureaucracy. We can win,
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel