

Monday, June 2, 2014

More 411 2 Bring 2 Your Awarness :(

Clyde O'Connor is a financially secure person & I, his "Soul Mate", has to survive solely with the help of our Gov't Social Security n Food Stamps program monthly!!??? I hav no place to rest my mind or my body, I am so thin from this never ending battle & really 22222 broken most of the time to even deal with eating. This entire situation with him as well as the on going tracking N spying from ALLL involved with the NSA, CIA, DEA, DOD Or Z ABCDEFGHi & who knows who else is working with these programs. It is painfully overwhelming bc it is my bleak reality for which there is never everrrrrr a Break/Cut/End oRRR even A TIMEOUT to this madness NOR iZ there A STUNT DOUBLE/Director/Agent 2 Intervene oN 1's behalf for support/direction/care :(::::: It is traumatic as well as deeply damaging 2 me :(:::  I am seriously defying ALLLL "ODDS" bc I shudv been dead a loooooooonnnnggg time ago.. "They" have made (& still use) Clyde to do their dirrrrty work bc "They" know WE Truly Love n Care for each other so "They" use that to "Pit" US against each other >:(::: XXXACTLY LIKE Z NEW MOVIE With "Tom Cruise" n "Emily Blunt". Clyde verrrrrry rarely iffff ever helps me, he doesn't follow thru on any "Promises" or plans to move in my direction n he lies to his illegal wife Carmem & his live in gf Brenda about me n tells them I am "Crazy or a Nut". I can tell you he tells me things about them which is why he runs/escapes to me. I was once so worried about him that I went to his home with Brenda, to which he called the police on me & lied when he told them he had a "Restraining Order" out against me :(:: Can U IMAGINE??? They laughed at him & asked him to leave the property since "he didn't live there". This wud also be the day Brenda told me she thought Clyde was married to Carmem since January of 2013. It was shockingly true & it was already October of 2013 omg :(:::: After digging around on the Internet under his name Clyde Stewart O'Connor, I found way more than I cud mentally, emotionally, or psychologically process wow.  :€ GRRRRRRRRLLLLL!