

Saturday, November 15, 2014

CHINA+++Allies/Allegiances/Personal/Professional/NNN Bed Ora Outtt ISA COCK ~Blocking Until Zen I Am DAD Knottt "DAO"

WithOuttt US+ALLL U Have ZeRRRooo/Nuttin/Nada/Zilch/Nothing  Love, Your Fire Sheep
 有空再聊 (yǒu kòng zài liáo): When’re you’re free, let’s chat again

This is a very casual way to say goodbye. 有空(yǒu kòng) means to have free time.  聊 (liáo) means to chat. 

So if you use this phrase, you’ll sound very local and authentic. It’ll also sound like you think the person you’re talking to is your buddy. Which could be taken differently (in a very friendly way, or even offensively) depending on the context. Probably best to save it for your buddies.