

Monday, November 3, 2014

Miracles NEVERRR Cease! Im Amazed >:)


The Convenient Truth By Alfred Culbreth
Truth? What is it? – Some can’t stand the Truth in this society. Carlyle Said: No lie can live forever!
This memo/blog is a direct rebuttal concerning the negative “expressed opinion” denigrating my good name on a website called The Rip-off Report.
Let it be known that The Rip-off Report is a company that has written a program which is in essence a virus comparable to malware on your computer. It works like Google/Wikipedia, but in reverse. The Rip-off Report program functions as a virus that’s intent is to publish whatever by whoever about anybody or any company. For a yearly fee, the virus company will not allow responses to any claims (false or not) that are made on their site.
The intent of the virus company is to force to simply be paid. This is in order to remove randomly published material whether it is erroneous or not. The virus site published an “expressed opinion” written by an “anonymous author”.
Let me repeat. An “anonymous author” wrote his/her opinion concerning certain information about me and/or the companies I owned in 1999. These “anonymous opinions” are NOT truth. These half-truths are meant to discredit me or whomever and lead the public to snap judgments concerning business practices and/or character.
And Therefore Leading to a Rush to Judgment in part of the public. I would like to now convey The Truth.
Here are the Facts: The ” anonymous opinions” that were published by the virus company were based on two lawsuits that have since been dismissed and/or settled in 2004. Moreover, both legal cases that the “anonymous author” reference have been purged from the Dade and Broward County records. This would evidence a seeming lack of credibility in regards to the expressed opinions of said “anonymous author”. Lastly, other than that bit of Truth and since this will be in a search for Truth, we can certainly disregard any claims testimony or opinions that the “anonymous author” has written or expressed.
Half truth is equal to misrepresentation of the whole truth and that is tantamount to a Lie. How does one verify such anonymously authored “claims” published by a virus company whose sole intent is to profit from unsubstantiated GOSSIP!
In times like these I often read the Bible for answers:
The book of Proverbs 19:9 talks about False witnesses and Says: Aramaic Bible in Plain English
A false witness will not be spared, and he that speaks lies will be destroyed.
That means a lot to me’
This opinion expressed that was published by the virus company and written by an “anonymous author” are person/s that are acting like choir boys!
Both the virus company and This “anonymous author” are trying to make people believe that they are the best person/s in the world and it turns out that both the virus company and the “anonymous author” are the biggest liar’s of all. I will applaud both the virus company and the “anonymous author” for the Great Performance’s and expressed opinion or their two cents. However, as the Bible already told us: Aramaic Bible in Plain English
A false witness will not be spared, and he that speaks lies will be destroyed. Proverbs 19:9
In that Same book of Proverbs 14:5 it also states: Aramaic Bible in Plain English
A trustworthy witness is not false and he that speaks falsehood is a false witness.
and Proverbs 12-17 Says: Aramaic Bible in Plain English
The righteous speaks obvious trustworthiness and the testimony of the evil is deceit.
Truth? Lies? Conspiracy? Cover-up? both are to blame the virus company and the “anonymous author”.
Lastly, I would like to reflect on one of My Favorite poems by James Russell Lloyd
“Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne,—
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own”.
In Closing, Let it be said that : God Watches us all, You Be the Judge!
Alfred T. Culbreth