

Friday, November 21, 2014

Let Me Share "@" Lil SumThing >:) xoD@D

When i wz a littttttle girl my birth/earth/excuse 4 "@" "Father/Dad/Daddy" (HDJr) had a famous saying esp when it came to eating & i quote "You WILL Eat It Or You WILL Wear It" & that is xxxactly wat wud happen so at Age "3" my mother walked n2 our kitch n Chicago 2 find me with "Chef BoyArdee's spagettio'Zzzz" pourrring down my face BC i had picked up the bowl & put it on my head >:€ NNN Other words I, at 3yrs Old, had had enufffff  of my "Father's" Bullying wayZzzzz & decided to match my "Parents" & raise "them" bc now "They" (my birth parents) had 2 reallllllyyy "DEAL" with me! Imagine wat psychological trauma wz inflicted upon me intentionally out of spite n cruelty to deny me/punish me/steal my joy