PS... This ACTUALLY HAPPENED ONLY 2 Z Family She Conned/Tricked/Trapped 2 Get Herself Here "Illegally" NNN(555) Z USA!!! She ISA(911) Here Now Thanks 2 Clyde Stewart O'Connor Her Fraud/Fake/Con Man /Cheater/Lying "Husband" Whom Nearly Died NNN(555) Z Recovery Room NNN(555) Then Smashed His Car NNN(555) An Accident Amongst Numerousssss OTHER Incidents ALLLL With NNN(555) A Couple Of DayZz >:€
SOS! God,Jesus, Holy Bible,Conspiracies, Acoustic Invisibility Cloaking,NSA Spying, Tracking, Spooks,Gang Stalking, PTSD, Hyper Vigilance,,Depression, Autism Spectrum,Humpback Whale N Dolphin Standing's, Sonar Trauma, Lasers, Beams, Radio Waves, Micro Waves, ELF's, Cyber Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Our World, June 25 1967, The Remnant, LOVE, Owls, Snowflakes, JOY, NOW, Fabry Disease
Saturday, November 1, 2014
VOODOO THREAT FROM AN "ILL"-LEGAL "CITIZEN"! >:€ Carmem Cavalcanti De Melo Farias-Cataffo-O'Connor
PS... This ACTUALLY HAPPENED ONLY 2 Z Family She Conned/Tricked/Trapped 2 Get Herself Here "Illegally" NNN(555) Z USA!!! She ISA(911) Here Now Thanks 2 Clyde Stewart O'Connor Her Fraud/Fake/Con Man /Cheater/Lying "Husband" Whom Nearly Died NNN(555) Z Recovery Room NNN(555) Then Smashed His Car NNN(555) An Accident Amongst Numerousssss OTHER Incidents ALLLL With NNN(555) A Couple Of DayZz >:€