

Monday, May 23, 2016

MILE-Stone! 2 BEW/Brenda @K@ Mom... "@" Reeellly GRRR+888 Start! With JOY! Your 1st Born, Mandy

"I'm sorry for upsetting you Sat I wanted you to know I do read and try to keep up on this condition and it was telling how good exercises and sleep are good for you then it was talking about an injection they have once every 3-4 months. We could go and talk to someone about it.  Called Invega Trinza injection. I read and listen to people but you want let me share anything and we use to be friends. I do love you an Kelly but y'all have a life apparently I am not part of. I'm glad you do keep in touch with granny you are the only one. She is lucky to be here this long. What life has left for granny and me looks like we could all make use of it in a good way without worrying about saying something wrong. Life is so short to have all this resentment.     Each day is not promised! I'm sorry if you take this wrong but you will not let me say anything without getting upset and walking out and yes you proably did get that from me and I am so sorry."

1st True + Sincere Apology! Impossible becomes Possible >:-)