

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

TMB: My Forever Sissy >:) Lucifer Long Over Dew! TY 4 Returning My Dove >:-) With JOY! All My Love, Mandy

"I am prepared for intensity - i have read your posts so I get the intensity. This is what I surmised:   1) Something profound has happened in your life that has led to transformation, 2) You are underground to avoid negative influences, 3) you have a spiritual connection (to others and the universe) that most won't or don't understand, 4) you are appreciating love and God and life like you never imagined.  I may not be fully prepared for intensity, but i will do my best."

Dearest TB, 
I am truly overwhelmed, grateful, speechless, & filled with pure JOY!!! My eyes are filled with salty alligator tears from hearing from you >:+)  it doesnt  seem real. It has been sooo long that i have waited/wondered/worried about you. For sooo many years now i have not been able to process much less accept your absence. I respectively have given you your space while grieving silently the separation of our sisterhood. TY 4 being soo understanding+BRAVE & far beyond comprehending i must say. You need to be my advocate/manager/rep/spokesperson!!! Im sorry youv had to read my posts & that this is where my journey has taken me, but reading your perception makes me look at my life & smile. You, out of everybody, probably know me best. I mean we were inseparable since i was 12yrs old & you were 11. We have gone thru things i cud never share with others as it is deeply pain filled. I hope we can pick up & embrace life together again as the sister's we have always been! I have sincerely missed everything about you & cant wait to see your beautiful smile, get a super tite hug, get caught up on allll of your details!! Hiii to your Family!!
Im sooo HAPPPY to be going to bed tonight with you as a part of my special private lil world >:+) 
Alll My Love Sissy!!