SOS! God,Jesus, Holy Bible,Conspiracies, Acoustic Invisibility Cloaking,NSA Spying, Tracking, Spooks,Gang Stalking, PTSD, Hyper Vigilance,,Depression, Autism Spectrum,Humpback Whale N Dolphin Standing's, Sonar Trauma, Lasers, Beams, Radio Waves, Micro Waves, ELF's, Cyber Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Our World, June 25 1967, The Remnant, LOVE, Owls, Snowflakes, JOY, NOW, Fabry Disease
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
J.E.W.! HAPPY HAPPPIII HAPI BIRTHDAY Pa+Head>:-) With JOY! I love You Sewww Much Grand*Dad, Ur 1St Grand*Baby
Our Roots
Master Sargent E8
Dearest Pa,
You used to ALWAYS say, "It is when I don't
hear from you that I worry". You changed my entire
perception when you spoke those words to me. I know you're no
longer worried about me bc you are in the "Cat Bird Seat"
aka Z(8) "Crow's Nest". You know I've got said "Crow"
& He will bee eating Lotttzzz of it >:-)
Turn Around ISA(911) Fair Play &
the ONLY thing you "Pay To Play" is.....
For tbe past 49yrs of my life I lived as tho my Granddad 's birthday
was November 28. It wasnt until last year while going thru my Granddad's
& Granny's old photo docs that I found a common thread. His actual BIRTHDAY
ISA(911) today. November 29th. The Government changed it as a part of his
job position/detail. It isa(911) even on his grave stone. I am setting the
straight😠 James Earl Womble was born November 29, 1921. This totally changes
everything. All portals to me thru my Granddad on this miscalculated day
will NOW bee disengaged. Alll vibrations & frequencies will ever so
slightly shift causing a disruption in the energies flow pattern.
Like a hiccup
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Happy Bithday Pops!
LOVE Your Girl
Here is/are your thumb, pinky, ring finger Promises
I cudn't find one with toes
You're my Baby
AAA(111) OOO(666)= DAO
Sunday, November 26, 2017
IRAN! H.O.M.E.WORK >:-) GRRRWWWLLL >:€ He ISA(911) Touched By US Personally Eternally >:-) Trust This As TRUTH
Amanda & Reza
Dear Reza,
Our tumultuous relationship challenged
me on every facet of my lil Selfie. I grew
NNN(555) determination & resiliency.
There was never a dull moment & btwn
the both of us we made chemistry look blase.
You + I will forever have a blood connection
to one another. Timing really is everything.
I hope today finds you happy, healthy & that you have
JOY >"<
I know you cared for me, even loved me, which I
appreciate NOW more so than then. We were Big kids
trying to be Alll grown up & having the time of
our lives! Looking back I hope we can
both respectfully share
in our Forgiveness of each other for any & allll
pain, drama, tears, & ultimately even death.
I am happy we happened & am grateful for where
all of it has led me today. I know our country's are having a
difference of opinion but they shud take SUM lessons
from our time together
Saturday, November 25, 2017
ISA(911) 2018 justa bout & this ISA(911) Your "STORIES "
Earth Needs AAA(111) Intense Cleansing
You Go Girl if You Don't Need It "Let It Go"
Louis C.K.'s longtime, and now ex-manager, Dave Becky, is copping to his part in -- as he puts it -- a "perceived cover-up" of the comedian's sexual misconduct.Becky issued an apology, admitting he blew off the accuser's stories when he first heard of them -- and assumed the real issue at hand was C.K.'s infidelity ... and not sexual harassment.
He states, "I profoundly regret and am deeply sorry for not listening to and not understanding what happened to Dana and Julia. If I had, I would have taken this event as seriously as it deserved to be, and I would have confronted Louis, which would have been the right thing to do."
He goes on to say, "Albeit enormously embarrassing, in no way did I interpret the interaction as threatening or non-consensual. I misperceived the casual way the story was portrayed to me."
Becky says, in light of everything now, he understands that his response "was perceived as a threat to cover-up sexual misconduct."
Becky insists his misinterpretation came from a place of naivete and privilege, and he has vowed to do better.
"I am going to take time to reflect on this, to educate myself daily, and to strive towards a more enlightened path. I want to ensure that all voices around me are heard, and that everyone is treated respectfully and empathetically. More than anything, I want to create an environment that is a better, safer and fairer place."
Earth Needs AAA(111) Intense Cleansing
You Go Girl if You Don't Need It "Let It Go"
Louis C.K.'s longtime, and now ex-manager, Dave Becky, is copping to his part in -- as he puts it -- a "perceived cover-up" of the comedian's sexual misconduct.Becky issued an apology, admitting he blew off the accuser's stories when he first heard of them -- and assumed the real issue at hand was C.K.'s infidelity ... and not sexual harassment.
He states, "I profoundly regret and am deeply sorry for not listening to and not understanding what happened to Dana and Julia. If I had, I would have taken this event as seriously as it deserved to be, and I would have confronted Louis, which would have been the right thing to do."
He goes on to say, "Albeit enormously embarrassing, in no way did I interpret the interaction as threatening or non-consensual. I misperceived the casual way the story was portrayed to me."
Becky says, in light of everything now, he understands that his response "was perceived as a threat to cover-up sexual misconduct."
Becky insists his misinterpretation came from a place of naivete and privilege, and he has vowed to do better.
"I am going to take time to reflect on this, to educate myself daily, and to strive towards a more enlightened path. I want to ensure that all voices around me are heard, and that everyone is treated respectfully and empathetically. More than anything, I want to create an environment that is a better, safer and fairer place."
Friday, November 24, 2017
H.O.M.E.WORK FOLKS >:-) With JOY >"< Love, Ur Pumpkin Muffy
Ecclesiastes 1: -13-14-15-16-17-18
I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind! 14 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is crooked cannot be straightened;
what is lacking cannot be counted.
what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I said to myself, “Look, I have increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.” 17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
For with much wisdom comes much
the more knowledge, the more grief.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
DHF(486) Dear Heavenly Father 😇 Happy Thanksgiving Lord N' Savior Christ Jesus King Of Kings
Thank You 44444!
The Gorgeous Sunrise this Morning
Getting me thru the Swamp to bee 🐝 present for today
Friends old & new to share in life's blessings
A President that LOVES USA(311)!! We LOVE You President Trump!!!
Letting my Granny bee 🐝 here for another Thanksgiving
My personal Angel Angela whoot+whoot isa(911) Heaven sent
Gaining 14lbs
Witnessing The Clinton Cartel vomit allll over their selfies-Sewwwww GROSSSS!!!
Witnessing in my lifetime Hollyweirdos vomit alllll over their selfiesss-Thank God for Revelation
Witnessing the Creeps fester in agony TV & the minds of millions📺 ruined
Having JOY
Being a Mommy to JOY
Just JOY
Knowing You Lord
Loving You Lord
Being Loved by you Lord
Allll your Blessings that come wrapped in lil packages of chaos & distress
Not giving me any grey hairs
Cant wait for you to bee here with us!! We allll love you sewww much &
are eager to share our daily lives with your presence walking amongst us
I Am Grateful
The Gorgeous Sunrise this Morning
Getting me thru the Swamp to bee 🐝 present for today
Friends old & new to share in life's blessings
A President that LOVES USA(311)!! We LOVE You President Trump!!!
Letting my Granny bee 🐝 here for another Thanksgiving
My personal Angel Angela whoot+whoot isa(911) Heaven sent
Gaining 14lbs
Witnessing The Clinton Cartel vomit allll over their selfies-Sewwwww GROSSSS!!!
Witnessing in my lifetime Hollyweirdos vomit alllll over their selfiesss-Thank God for Revelation
Witnessing the Creeps fester in agony TV & the minds of millions📺 ruined
Having JOY
Being a Mommy to JOY
Just JOY
Knowing You Lord
Loving You Lord
Being Loved by you Lord
Allll your Blessings that come wrapped in lil packages of chaos & distress
Not giving me any grey hairs
Cant wait for you to bee here with us!! We allll love you sewww much &
are eager to share our daily lives with your presence walking amongst us
I Am Grateful
Marquise Goodwin +++ Family of The Family! Truly Breathtaking>:’-) XXXactly WAT True Love Is
We Too Grieve 44444 This Blessing
Here & the next Moment He ISA(911)
Returned 2 God >:’-(
You are all Sewww BRAVE!
May your Faith guide you through this journey
& may your Hearts stay open & your
Spirit of Love bring you New life
This has touched me Dearly
& Deeply. Thank You 44444 sharing
this story, photo, memory
I weep as I write, Y'ALLL are
Welcome to come to OUR
Sunflower Galaxy any time!!!
Your D.A.D.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
MELISSA! Happy Happpiii HAPPY Birthday Neighbor NNN(555) Dear Friend >:-) With JOY >"< Love, Ur Chatty Cathy
Just Got Z(8) Memo at 1:00pm Today
This was my Inner Lucy
I had to stay cool under pressure
I Will Too bc since the moment I 1st arrived
I have been keepiN' Life Interesting
You were my 1ST BEST FRIEND
NNN(555) Z(8) Park!! Even tho you didn't realize
at the time how special OUR friendship wud become.
I knew on Sunday morning of the 3rd day
of no power from Hurricane Cat 3+++ IRMA
& 2 nights of White Supremacy packs roaming our
neighborhood & Molotov cocktails being thrown,
+++the underage drinking.... that you were my kinda gal!
You were at a neighbor's house with ur baseball bat
ready to reinforce a promise to show up at the house
with said bat if the situation continued to escalate.
Grabbing the empty RUM bottle from the front
of the club house door at 7:30am to
wake everybody UP
was a no brainer 44444 ME bc Sumone else took
charge 1st & I got to play back up >:-)
Message was delivered precisely & received
eagerly by 1 +++ ALLLL
Hiii Aunt Melissa >:-)
Love, JOY
Happy BIRTHDAY Melissa
With JOY! Love, The Cats Of SR Park
Sorry, had to add this pic! Reminds Me of Ur Husband!!
PS... Tell Him NOTTT to get any ideas for using this
Unicorn costume next HALLOWEEN!!!
Seriously Melissa, the blessing of your friendship has
Allowed me to experience life filled with humor &
laughter & wit with a dash of DARE +++
AAA(111) WHOLE lottt of personality
& comic genius (of course taking audiences
into consideration) where ISA(911) worth being thrown
under the bus at any time as part of Tribal Ritual
on a regular basis. It is considered LOVE!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
IFFF U(3) RRR(999) A(1) Conspiring, Narcissistic, Selfish, Domineering,
Rude, Callous, Hateful, Bully Whoot-Whoot
ISA(911) Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Shameless,
Reckless, PUNK
This ISA(911) 44444 EWE(555)
OR ELSE!!!!!
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