

Thursday, November 16, 2017

MELISSA! Happy Happpiii HAPPY Birthday Neighbor NNN(555) Dear Friend >:-) With JOY >"< Love, Ur Chatty Cathy

Just Got Z(8) Memo at 1:00pm Today
This was my Inner Lucy
I had to stay cool under pressure

I Will Too bc since the moment I 1st arrived 
I have been keepiN' Life Interesting 
You were my 1ST BEST FRIEND 
NNN(555) Z(8) Park!! Even tho you didn't realize 
at the time how special OUR friendship wud become.
I knew on Sunday morning of the 3rd day 
of no power from Hurricane Cat 3+++ IRMA
& 2 nights of White Supremacy packs roaming our
neighborhood & Molotov cocktails being thrown,
+++the underage drinking.... that you were my kinda gal!
You were at a neighbor's house with ur baseball bat 
ready to reinforce a promise to show up at the house 
with said bat if the situation continued to escalate.
Grabbing the empty RUM bottle from the front 
of the club house door at 7:30am to
 wake everybody UP
was a no brainer 44444 ME bc Sumone else took 
charge 1st & I got to play back up >:-)
Message was delivered precisely  & received 
eagerly by 1 +++ ALLLL 
Hiii Aunt Melissa >:-)
Love, JOY 
Happy BIRTHDAY Melissa
With JOY! Love, The Cats Of SR Park
Sorry, had to add this pic! Reminds Me of Ur Husband!!
PS... Tell Him NOTTT to get any ideas for using this
Unicorn costume next HALLOWEEN!!!
Seriously Melissa, the blessing of your friendship has
Allowed me to experience life filled with humor & 
laughter & wit with a dash of DARE +++
AAA(111) WHOLE lottt of personality 
 & comic genius (of course taking audiences 
into consideration) where ISA(911) worth being thrown
under the bus at any time as part of Tribal Ritual 
on a regular basis. It is considered LOVE!!