

Thursday, November 23, 2017

DHF(486) Dear Heavenly Father ๐Ÿ˜‡ Happy Thanksgiving Lord N' Savior Christ Jesus King Of Kings

Thank You 44444!
The Gorgeous Sunrise this Morning
Getting me thru the Swamp to bee ๐Ÿ present for today
Friends old & new to share in life's blessings
A President that LOVES USA(311)!! We LOVE You President Trump!!!
Letting my Granny bee ๐Ÿ here for another Thanksgiving
My personal Angel Angela whoot+whoot isa(911) Heaven sent
Gaining 14lbs
Witnessing The Clinton Cartel vomit allll over their selfies-Sewwwww GROSSSS!!!
Witnessing in my lifetime Hollyweirdos vomit alllll over their selfiesss-Thank God for Revelation
Witnessing the Creeps fester in agony TV & the minds of millions๐Ÿ“บ ruined
Having JOY
Being a Mommy to JOY
Just JOY
Knowing You Lord
Loving You Lord
Being Loved by you Lord
Allll your Blessings that come wrapped in lil packages of chaos & distress
Not giving me any grey hairs

Cant wait for you to bee here with us!! We allll love you sewww much &
are eager to share our daily lives with your presence walking amongst us
I Am Grateful